Care Packages for Kids in Need

July 20, 2018
Chris Carleton
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Give and Put Kids First. These are 2 of our core values that help make Care Options for Kids, formerly The Hello Foundation, such a wonderful and caring organization!

Sometimes, especially with the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season, it can be difficult to take a breath and remember why we do what we do. First and foremost, we help kids.

Today I sent care packages to 3 school districts in California. The care packages included backpacks, fruit snacks, granola bars, juice boxes along with a thank you card and Sharon Soliday's 7 Lessons Learned from the Best Special Education Programs book.

I picked these school districts based on positive conversations I had with their Sped Directors. Each was very interested in our services but have already signed contracts for this upcoming year with other companies.

The primary goal of sending these care packages is to help children in need. The secondary goal is to begin to build relationships with districts that share our passion for helping kids. When we join forces with others that share our Why, kids win. And who doesn't want that?