A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about how special ed departments can (and should) harness the power of social media and the web to recruit top talent to their districts. Life on the internets being what it is, however, means that even something 2 years old can be woefully out-of-date, meaning an update was in order. Which is actually a perfect segue into this post, if I do say so myself.
Like it or not, the web is not a set-it-and-forget-it environment. It is also not an optional environment for anyone doing any sort of business in 2018 (yes, your school district is a business). Keeping your online presence fresh, however, is a big job that pretty much no one has time for. So why bother?
The answer is one thing that hasn't changed since I wrote the original post: simply put, people use the internet to help them make decisions. There are 35 billion Google searches every single day and 90% of smartphone users have used an internet search to make progress towards a long-term goal. So, if you believe that there are few decisions bigger than deciding where we want to work (which you should definitely believe if you're actively recruiting), you can pretty clearly see why it's worth your while to invest a bit of time and energy into how your department presents itself online.
Check out our infographic below for tips on how to get started and a few more reasons why this stuff is worthy of a spot on your to-do list!
Want to take a closer look?
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