January 13, 2025
So, you've taken the plunge and started seeing a speech-language pathologist (SLP). Congrats! I would wager that, no matter what issue you're addressing with her or him, you've at least had a passing thought wondering just how long this is all gonna take.
Let me begin by saying that this is a question that every client should absolutely ask their SLP, and every SLP should be comfortable having this conversation. As SLPs, our mission is to help folks communicate better through the setting (and meeting) of realistic goals and objectives. It is not our mandate to keep our clients in therapy until the end of time. This is not to say that we support "quick fix" therapy, that some issues can't take a very long time to remediate, or that we're shooing anyone out the door. Rather, it's our belief that realistic, achievable goals are the cornerstone of outstanding speech therapy, and you, as the client, have the right to ask that of your clinician.
3 Factors that Influence How Long Speech Therapy Takes
There is no hard and fast answer to how long you (or your family member) will be "in speech." You can, however, do some rough math (honestly, the only kind of math I can do) based on the following factors:
1. The Issue You Are Addressing
You can expect that, generally speaking, the more complex the issue, the longer it will take to address it fully in therapy. For instance, issues that are defined and finite, such as those related to a particular event like a wedding or job interview, should be able to be addressed within a handful of sessions. Issues that are slightly more complicated, such as sound errors, will take a bit longer, while the most complicated issues will require the most time. However, regardless of the complexity of the issue, your SLP should set goals that are achievable within a reasonable amount of time (6 months or less). That is, within 6 months of initiating therapy, it is reasonable to expect measurable progress.
2. Frequency of Therapy
The more often you meet with your SLP, the quicker you will meet your goals. Again, this is a generalization, but working with an SLP on your speech-language goals is similar to working with a personal trainer at the gym . . . there is great value in being provided with feedback and coaching in real time so you can stay focused on the tasks that will show you the greatest results.
3. Independent Practice
This is the single biggest factor determining how long it will take you to meet your speech-language goals. Yes, it is even more important than how often you see your SLP, or even the type of issue you're addressing. To extend the gym metaphor a step further, if you meet with your personal trainer once a week but otherwise don't work out at all, chances of you winning the IronMan are pretty much slim to none. If you meet with your trainer once a week and spend the other 6 days a week running, biking, and swimming everywhere you go, your chances of claiming the title are significantly increased (go you!). Speech therapy is no different. The more you practice, the faster you will meet your goal.
These rules hold for people of all ages facing all different kinds of challenges. So, how long should speech therapy take? Well, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. The duration of treatment varies, ranging from brief to extended periods, depending on the specific issue a child is addressing. Children may attend speech therapy sessions on a weekly basis or multiple times per week, with the overall treatment lasting for several weeks, months, or even years. But! By defining success in discrete, measurable terms, meeting with your SLP frequently, and holding yourself (or your family member) accountable to daily practice, you and your SLP should be able to come up with an answer that makes sense for you.
Schedule Your Child’s Care Assessment Today
At Care Options for Kids, we understand the unique challenges of caring for a child with health conditions. Our dedicated team of pediatric home health nurses is here to support your family with compassionate, expert care tailored to your child’s needs. Contact us today to schedule an assessment and learn how we can help you navigate this journey with confidence and care.
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This post is for educational and informational purposes only. You should always speak with your own therapist before implementing this information on your own.
This post was originally published 3/17/14 and most recently updated 11/8/2023