March 28, 2019

Far too often, children tell their parents, “You’ll never need to live in a nursing home. I’ll take care of you.” But what many children fail to realize is as we age, our abilities to perform even the simplest daily tasks diminish and the idea of needing assistance becomes a reality. Fortunately, in-home health care and senior living communities have made elder care easier for families, helping avoid costly nursing home stays.
Before making the decision to move your loved one from his or her home to a senior living community (or a nursing home), consider the following “Activities of Daily Living (ADL),” a tool used by healthcare professionals to describe daily tasks that individuals face on a daily basis (grooming, eating, etc.) and evaluate his or her ability to perform them safely and comfortably.
When reviewing these activities, consider whether your loved one’s abilities fall under: “Independent, Needs Help, Dependent, or Cannot Do.” Doing so may help avoid a long-term stay in a nursing facility and instead present an opportunity for personalized in-home care.
Activities of Daily Living:
- Dressing
- Bathing
- Cooking
- Housework & Basic Home Maintenance
- Toileting
- Oral Care
- Grooming
- Walking & Transferring
- Stair Climbing
- Eating
- Shopping
- Laundry
- Driving
- Paying Bills/Managing Finances
- Managing Medications
- Using the telephone
Your loved one may be able to perform some of the duties listed above, but not all, often leading to a difficult decision: whether it’s time for a senior living community or if your loved one would benefit from in-home health care. Regardless of your decision, Care Options for Kids can help. We refer loving and qualified certified nursing assistants, home health aides, nurses, and companions to provide a variety of in-home services, from respite care to around-the-clock supervision. Care Options for Kids specializes in helping seniors “age in place”.
If your decision is to leave home for a senior living community, our transitions home program can provide your family with comforting assistance and the tools you need to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition.
Contact us directly to speak with a home health care professional or request a free in-home consultation. Together we can determine the right plan of action for your family and help your loved one begin his or her new chapter in life with confidence.
Contact Care Options for Kids for Home Health Care Services
If you or an aging loved one are considering home health care services, contact the caring staff at Care Options for Kids. Call today at (888) 592-5855.
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