June 2, 2023
Mariveliz Rosado (Nurse)
“Mi nombre is Mariveliz Rosado yo trabajo en Care Options for Kids por un año y dos meses.”
“My name is Mariveliz Rosado and I have worked with Care Options for Kids for one year and two months.”
“M tiene dos años, ahora mismo, en Abril cumple tres años. Ella tiene Hydrocifalia y tambien padece de convulsiones. Ella le gusta mucho que uno este siempre con ella. Cuando no esta junto a ella, ella a veses se pone a llorar, le gusta estar todo el tiempo con alguien al lado. Es una niña excelente, ella y su familia ambas son excellente. Me acostumbrado mucho a ella, ella es parte de mi familia.
“Currently M is two years old, in April she will be three years old. She has hydrocephalus, and also suffers from seizures. She enjoys having someone always with her. When someone is not beside her, every so often she starts crying. She likes to always have someone by her side. She is an excellent girl, both her and her family. I have grown used to her a lot, she is part of my family.”
Ana (Mom)
“Mi nombre es Ana, la mama de M. M fue diagnosticada con Hydrocifalia cuando tenia un mes, y a los meses le puserion un g-tube para poder comer, y fue cuando fui introducida a Care Options for Kids. Tener una enfermera en la casa te ayuda bastante con los cuidados de la niña.Te ayudan a hacer basicamente todo lo que necesitas de dia a dia. Bañarla, vestirla, cambiarla, darle la medicina, cambiarle el tubo, todo.”
“My name is Ana, M’s mom. M was diagnosed with hydrocephalus when she was one month old, and within a few months they placed a g-tube on her so she could eat, and that’s when I was introduced to Care Options for Kids. Having a nurse in the house helps you a lot with taking care of M. Basically, they help you with all the activities of daily living. Bathing, dressing, toileting, giving her medications, changing her G- tube, everything.”
“Cuando yo llego al turno en la mañana, ella tiene una routina, yo le doy sus medicamentos, luego de eso la baño, le practico los ejercicios, y pasamos el dia muy bien, ella toma su siesta. Siempre estoy muy pendiente a que ella tenga todos sus medicamentos puesto, y todo lo que ella necesite. Y antes de irme yo me aseguro de que ella tenga todo bien para que cuando la proxima enfermera venga la ancuentre bien”
“When I arrive for the shift in the morning, she has a routine in place, I give her the medications. After that, I bathe her, I conduct her exercises, and then she takes her nap. We spend the day very well together. I am always diligent in guaranteeing that she has her medications on board, and all her needs are met. Before I leave, I make sure that she is alright, that everything is good. Ensuring, that when the next nurse arrives, she finds her well.”
“Mi memoria favorita de ella hacido, que nunca la voy a olvidar; es verla crecer y pasar los mejores momentos junto a ella. Cuando ella sale del hospital yo estar ahi, ayudandola a que ella se recupere, eso para mi es un gran memoria.”
“My favorite memory of her, which I will never forget, is watching her grow up and sharing the best moments together. When she is discharged from the hospital, I am there, aiding in her recovery, to me that is a great memory.”
“Cuando tu trabajas en un hospital tienes muchos pacientes, o depende lo que te den. Y la diferencia es que en home health care, solamente tu estas con una sola persona y es mas comodo a uno como enfermera trabajar con una persona que con bastantes.”
“When you work in a hospital you have several patients, depending on what they give you. The difference is that in home health care, the care is one on one; you are only with one person. As a nurse, it is more comfortable to work with one person than with several.”
“Me gusta trabajar en Care Options for Kids, es una compania que siempre esta dispuesta ayudarte, tiene tus beneficios como: 401k, tu plan medico, tienes tu dias de PTO. Son una compania que siempre te buscan la forma de ayudarte.”
“I like working at Care Options for Kids, it is a company that is always willing to help you. You have your benefits like 401k, your medical plan, you have your days of PTO. They are a company that always looks for ways to help you.”
“Trabajan contigo, te consiguen la enfermera que necesitas, si esa no funciona, te buscan otra. Y Trabajan contigo para conseguirte la persona adecuada”
“They work with you, they get you the nurse you need, if that one doesn’t work, they find you another one. They work with you to find you the right person.”