Opportunity Knocks

August 8, 2022
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP
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The knock never comes when we're expecting it. It cares not whether we're ready or prepared, whether we have our bags packed and to-do list checked off, or whether we're fully hydrated and have had a snack.
The knock comes when the knock comes. 
We know what's on the other side of that knock — it is Opportunity, and it's come for us.
We know it's Opportunity because we feel the butterflies in our tummies, flitting about in excited anticipation of the adventure to come. We know that it is only in answering these knocks that we grow and change and step into our best selves.
What do we do when we hear the knock? We summon our courage, remind ourselves that fortune favors the bold, and we answer it
Care Options for Kids, formerly The Hello Foundation's theme for the 2022-2023 school year is Opportunity Knocks. We'll be listening all year for opportunities to grow and evolve, to help others and help ourselves, to listen and learn, and to use our voices for positive change. We hope you'll also turn on your listening ears and join us in heeding the call when it comes. 
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