September 9, 2020
January 13, 2020
Renee Limon

Parenting is hard. There’s no other way to put it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also wonderful and rewarding. But you’ve got to do so much as a parent, and the last thing anyone needs is a parent having a meltdown, right? Self-care is essential especially for those who are parenting special-needs kids. It's important to remember that we are all in this together.
I know, you’re probably laughing right about now. How do you find the time to take care of yourself when it feels like someone else always needs your help? Personally, I have a dance class I go to early every Saturday morning. I get to see all my friends who also like to dance like no one's watching. Daily, I wake up before my family and meditate, then have a quiet walk with my dog. Often, I'll cuddle up to read a favorite book. I seek out a good friend for a quick text if that’s all the time we have or a chat over a cup of tea.
Connecting with other parents is one of the best ways to get ideas, and feel seen and heard. We’re hosting a Parents' Night In get-together at our clinic on Friday, January 24, from 4-5:30 pm. We’ll have snacks and free childcare available. It’s a great opportunity to meet other families and discuss shared experiences, talk to our clinicians and just chill out a bit while someone else looks after your kids. You know, self-care. Please drop us a line to RSVP so that we're sure have enough snacks on hand :-) We hope to see you there!
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