May 16, 2019
Dividing responsibilities amongst more than one caregiver can help everyone to feel involved in the home care process and also helps to ensure that your loved one’s needs are met. Tackling this task systematically can help make sure that you don’t inadvertently skip anything important.
4 Tips for Sharing Caregiving Responsibilities with Siblings
1. Determine the Primary Caregiver
Sometimes it’s obvious who the primary caregiver will be. Maybe it’s the sibling who lives closest to your elderly loved one or it’s the one who has the closest relationship with the loved one. Other times, all of you may live in separate areas and one person may need to step up and take over the primary caregiving duties. Regardless, having someone taking the lead helps to eliminate some confusion.
2. List What Needs to Be Done
Every elderly loved one has different needs, so it’s important to get an idea of what types of responsibilities and tasks are necessary for your elderly loved one. For example, your loved one may need help with transportation or with errands. You can either have different siblings helping with different task categories or you may need to break it down even further into individual tasks. Either way, start with a list of what needs to be done so you can get a full picture.
3. Match Tasks with Siblings
Once you know what your loved one needs, it’s easier to match up tasks with the people who can commit to completing them. Don’t worry if every task doesn’t have an assigned person just yet because that can be worked out once you’ve gone through the list. Try to match up tasks with siblings according to skill sets and the time that person has available to devote to the tasks for the best results.
4. Get Extra Help to Fill in the Gaps
Even with the best planning, there are going to be gaps in your list of tasks. You can try to patch those gaps amongst your siblings, but you can also try bringing in extra help. One option is to ask other family members for help. You can also hire home care providers to fill in, especially if you’re all caregiving from a long distance.
Keep in mind that even the most thorough plans will need to be adjusted as you go. Situations and needs change periodically, so schedule regular meetings with each other to reconfigure as necessary.
Becoming a family caregiver can be unsettling when it happens suddenly, but especially when you have siblings who want to help out, too. It’s important to work out who handles which responsibilities from the start.
Contact Care Options for Kids for Home Care Services
If you or an aging loved one are considering home care services, contact the caring staff at Care Options for Kids. Call today (888) 592-5855.
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