Top 3 Questions Asked By Parents Contemplating Online Speech Therapy

August 2, 2018
Sharon Soliday, CCC-SLP
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We field a lot of calls from parents and others about our online speech therapy services. Here’s a quick overview of the top 3 questions we are asked and my traditional answers.

The Top 3 Questions Asked By Parents Contemplating Online Speech Therapy

1. How do you do this online speech therapy??

Think video conferencing -- Facetime, Skyping with Grandma -- between a licensed speech-language pathologist and a client. Other than that, it's just like an in-office session.

2. Can you effectively hold a child’s attention?

Kids, even little ones, love screen time. And believe it or not, our therapists keep big and little folks quite engaged. We do require parents or care providers to be engaged also for kids ages 1-3.
And btw, part of the reason we offer a free consult initially is to ensure this is a good fit for you and your kiddo.

3. How much is online speech therapy?

The price of our services is the same whether or not we see you in our clinic or online. Our rates are $115/per 45 minute session.

Online services do require payment at the time of service as we don’t bill insurance. We always encourage folks to talk with their insurance providers to inquire regarding coverage. A receipt can be provided with all appropriate codes so you may submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

What’s the one question I wish families asked? 

Does delaying speech therapy a couple of years really matter?

YES!! The longer kids have communication errors, the more ingrained those errors become. Think muscle memory. And the longer you do something the harder it will be to break the pattern. Likewise, there is a huge amount of evidence that indicates that early identification and treatment of communication disorders leads to quicker, more significant recovery, even for children with significant challenges. Quality early service is always the best service.