As children grow, they reach milestones in various areas of development, including social, communication, cognitive, and physical. At Care Options for Kids, we provide therapy in each of these areas to children when and where they need it.

0-3 Months
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
3-6 Months
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
6-12 Months
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
1-2 Years
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
2-3 Years
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
3-4 Years
Social / Emotional Development
- Is more and more creative with make-believe play
- Would rather play with other children than by himself
- Often can’t tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
- Talks about what she likes and what she is interested in
- Enjoys doing new things
- Plays “Mom” and “Dad”
- Cooperates with other children
Language / Communication
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as using he & she
- Sings a song or says a poem from memory, such as the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or the“Wheels on the Bus”
- Tells stories
- Answers simple “Wh-” questions like “Where is the dog?”
- Can say first and last name
Movement / Physical Development
- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Jumps up and down
Learning / Cognitive Growth
- Names some colors and some numbers
- Understands the idea of counting
- Starts to understand time
- Remembers parts of a story
- Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
- Uses scissors
- Starts to copy some capital letters
- Plays board or card games
- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book