It's important to us to celebrate the victories of our young champions by sharing the progress of the amazing kids we are lucky enough to work with every day. We recently featured Grace and her progress in her speech therapy and this week, we want to introduce Korvin who is working so hard with his occupational therapist to practice his fine and visual motor skills.
Writing and motor skills to be proud of
Through the work that Korvin has been doing with his therapist, he is able to copy his first name in uppercase between two lines legibly. He continues to make great gains in forming squares following an example and copying specified markings with accuracy. Korvin also demonstrates improved bilateral coordination skills by using scissors to cut lines smoothly. Way to go Korvin!
Working together works wonders
Occupational Therapy can offer added support to children with several types of motor skill, organizational, and sensory processing delays. Children that have shown signs of developmental coordination disorder definitely benefit from therapy that helps to build fine and gross motor skills, by practicing activities like writing their name or learning to cut things like Korvin is learning to do.
Kids who have delayed motor skill development can also benefit from the practice and exposure that comes along with participating in occupational therapy. Getting a child more comfortable with new movements and tasks builds confidence, reducing common stresses that come with tackling daily motor skill tasks that don't come easily.
Occupational therapy can make a way for other therapies to be effective
Many of the children we work with are developing different skills at the same time because the progress in one area allows for an opening or a successful start for additional therapies. For example, in addition to occupational therapy, Korvin is also participating in speech therapy. The parallel work he is doing with both of his therapists rounds out his life skill sets to be used in many different situations and makes him stronger and more prepared to take on the tasks of growing into a young adult. Paired strategies similar to Korvin's can change from child to child but it's important to know that it is possible and the experts at Care Options for Kids are excellent at creating successful plans that succeed.