May 6, 2024

If you've been in this special education business for any time at all, you've likely had the experience of trying to explain The Process to someone with no background knowledge -- and failing miserably at it. Maybe you offer too much detail (guilty), maybe you over-simplify, maybe you get caught in a web of "but, if . . ." It seems like no matter what I do, I somehow end up making the whole thing sound more complicated and convoluted than necessary (and we all know it's complicated and convoluted enough all on its own).
Enter our new Special Education Process infographic.
I've cobbled together a few sped flow charts on my own over the years, but this graphic, lovingly put together by our graphic designer, puts all of my previous efforts to shame. If you'd like to download it as a PDF, click the link below the image. Check it out, share it, and let us know what you think!
1. Help Needed
Teachers or parents notice their student is facing challenges in the classroom. A team made up of parents and professionals will come together and make suggestions for classroom-based interventions. Sometimes screenings are done as well.
2. Referral
The team will review the results of the classroom-based interventions. If they aren't working, a referral for special education evaluation is made.
3. Evaluation
The evaluation will include assessment of the student's skills in all areas of concern. It may include work samples, testing, classroom observations and teacher & parent interviews.
4. Eligibility
The team will meet and review the information gathered during the evaluation and determine whether the student qualifies for special education and needs specially designed instruction (SDI).
5. Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Within 30 days of eligibility, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is written. The plan will set goals and describe any extra support the student needs to be successful. It will describe the least restrictive environment (LRE) for the student's education and services
6. Services
The student will receive their services as described in their IEP. Their progress will be closely monitored and will be reported to the team several times each year.
7. Review
The IEP must be reviewed and updated by the team at least once a year. The student must be re-evaluated at least once every 3 years.
8. Exiting Special Ed
Students meeting their goals and no longer requiring SDI are evaluated and exited from special education services.
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