October 14, 2022

Care Options for Kids (COFK) is proud to announce that Jane Hedgpeth has been named Account Manager for School-Based Services.
Before joining School-Based Services, Jane spent 21 rewarding years as Operations Manager at a Care Options for Kids clinic in Tempe, AZ. She was instrumental in the growth and success of the clinic, including overseeing schedules for 50+ existing and newly-hired clinicians, hiring/onboarding new clinicians, and maintaining credentialing for all clinicians through the State and federal websites.
In her new role as Account Manager, Jane will support the Schools-Relationship Consultant, and serve as liaison between the clinicians and various departments.
“I am so excited to take on this role and work with this amazing team,” said Hedgpeth.
“Jane has consistently displayed a strong work ethic, dedication and passion for the clinicians and families she helps serve in the Arizona community. She is a consummate professional, and will be a great addition to our school-based services team,” adds Felecia Hanesworth, Care Options for Kids Executive Director, School-Based Services.
Jane and her husband, John, have three children, including 11 grandchildren and their beloved American Akita, Lucy. In her spare time, Jane and her family share a passion for the great outdoors and enjoy camping, kayaking and off-roading.
Contact Us
Care Options for Kids connects leading pediatric specialists with families to provide best-in-class pediatric therapy, nursing, and school-based services. We seamlessly integrate into children’s lives by bringing individualized care to children where they live, work, and play.
Our pediatric specialists are committed to providing high-quality pediatric services that help children and families live their best lives. We empower our community of clinicians to meet children where they are by providing the support and resources necessary to decrease administrative burdens. This focus allows our clinicians to obtain optimal work-life balance.
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