Practice for Parents

April 19, 2011
Sharon Soliday, CCC-SLP

Stephanie Bruno discusses the importance of parents reinforcing the work SLP's do in the classroom and in home care.  In addition, many parents may not know the proper skills in helping their child at home.  It is the SLP's job to point them in the right direction and provide hands-on communication-based speech and language activities for them to do with their children at home.

Now, all of this is much easier said than done. When you are a busy SLP managing the demands of the job, sending notes and practice exercises home with your students is an easy thing to let slide. However, I do have a few methods that I use to keep parents informed, but not spend hours doing so.

To continue reading Stephanie's article at Early Intervention Speech Therapy, please click the following link:
Carryover: Practice for Parents