Twice a month, we are taking time to spotlight the progress and victories our amazing kids are accomplishing! Last time, we got to see how Harrison has been making strides with the help of occupational therapy, and this week we want to introduce you to Katianna who has been smashing her goals with her speech and language therapy!
Katianna’s Amazing Growth with Reading
Katianna is a 6-year-old who has been receiving skilled speech and language services since September of 2019. Katianna had difficulty with reading and writing tasks and did not know how to read when services started. Recently, she met her goal of reading comprehension for kindergarten level passages and worked her way up to 1st-grade level reading passages. She has worked hard to understand different patterns in the English language, such as long and short vowel sounds! Fantastic work Katianna!!
How Speech Therapy Benefits Reading Comprehension
While everyone may not clearly see the connection, speech and reading are very intertwined. Quite often, children who have difficulties with communication also struggle with reading since some form of spoken understanding needs to be there to acquire reading skills. Because of this, the goals for progress can often be one and the same. We at Care Options for Kids understand this relationship which is why our pediatric speech therapy services are able to work to not only improve speech and understanding but literacy as well. In turn, the children gain ground and confidence in both areas with the foundations building on top of each other. Both in-home pediatric therapy and live telehealth sessions provide incredible benefits for kids.
How In-person and Teletherapy Can Help Kids Reach their Speech Therapy Goals
Both in-person speech therapy and telehealth speech therapy can work together to ensure that a child’s progress can continue no matter the circumstances. A combination of both can offer greater flexibility while providing the benefits of each format. As with most types of medical treatments and therapies, consistency is key, and we can help to keep the ball rolling, whether our practitioners are working in person with your child or remotely when needing to keep a safe distance.