June 1, 2022

At Care Options for Kids, we know that November/December can be a stressful time of year. Holiday cards, gift lists, and that word that keeps popping up at work (census... census... census). Trying to find time to complete your paperwork, attend every meeting, and figure out why Johnny can't keep track of his middle school planner can all take a toll on your mental health.
Here are four quick ideas to help you feel more able to take on the day.
4 Tips to Reduce Stress at Work
1. Prioritize
Make a list of what needs to get done. Next to each item, write how long you think each task will take. Then pick the most important task and do it. Work your way through the list, crossing out items as you go. If you have something that will only take five minutes, you can do that first. It will feel great to quickly cross something off that list!
2. Stay on good terms with all people, at all times
Try to resolve conflicts positively. Find common ground, and try to find ways towards a compromise so that every team member feels valued. Check out our five listening tips for some helpful hints on how to get started down this path.
3. Move
Exercise improves focus, mood, and helps you to relax. Go for a short walk at lunchtime, take the long route to the copy room, or park in the farthest parking spot. Every little bit helps to clear your mind and help you release stress.
4. Maybe it's just time to stop and decompress
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for a count of two, and then let it go. Do this three times. It only takes 30 seconds, but we promise you'll feel much better when you're done!
We hope that at least one of these tips helps you through the end of this calendar year and beyond!
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