The Announcement You Didn't Know You Were Waiting For

April 2, 2015
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP

We've got news.

Sometimes you hear a big announcement, and you say, "Yeah, gee whiz, that's a shocker." You know what I'm talking about . . . when your cousin announces that she's engaged to her boyfriend of 5 years, or when Apple announces that the phone you just bought will be replaced by a new one in 6 months.

This isn't one of those announcements.

It's possible that you might find it slightly unexpected, perhaps even a tad shocking. But we hope that, after the initial surprise, you'll join us in our excitement for this truly amazing new adventure.



Announcing . . . The Hello Clinic

So, whaddaya think? As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and questions in the comment section below. As you might imagine, we're thrilled about all of it, and eager to talk with anyone who will listen ;-)