July 20, 2021

There are many reasons children benefit from in-home occupational therapy. The four main reasons for in-home therapy are: recovery from an illness or surgery, living in high risk situations, difficulty transporting children to a clinic for treatment, and parents who find treatment at home more convenient. Research suggest that children who have occupational therapy in the home benefit tremendously and because of this, pediatric occupational therapy is shifting away from clinics and into the home. Care Options for Kids provides occupational, physical and speech therapy services to children from birth to 18 years in the home.
The Difference between Home and Clinical Setting
Working with a child in the home is different from working with a child in a clinic setting. A child is influenced by his or her daily surroundings which include the family’s values, everyday habits, and family dynamics. Any challenges the child might be experiencing at home can be witnessed by the therapist first hand and a specific plan to help the child overcome these struggles can be created. In-home therapy gives the therapists more control over the daily factors that effect the child; adaptations to schedules and personalized treatment styles are easier to introduce in the comfort of home and the family is often included in the care plan. The results are very rewarding for all.
The first step to helping your child is a call to Care Options for Kids. We have experienced occupational therapists who can evaluate your child’s needs and develop a care plan that will enhance your child’s life as well as your family dynamics.
For more information on this topic, please view our page on Occupational Therapy here. If you want to begin services with Care Options for Kids, please contact Patient Access at 303-432-8487 option 1 or referrals@solacehealthcare.com.
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