March 5, 2022
Being a home health care worker can be incredibly rewarding, but can sometimes leave you feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. Add in a holiday season filled with financial strain, extra commitments, social obligations, and more, and it’s easy to see why this time of year can be taxing for some. That’s why we put together six tips to help you focus on and simplify the things that you can control!
1. Preventative Self-Care
As a home health care worker, you’re hyper-focused on your client’s health and wellness, while often not prioritizing your own. The last thing you need during the holiday season is to get sidelined due to illness. Make sure you are eating healthy, are up to date on any vaccines and doctor’s appointments, take a daily vitamin, and get enough sleep.
2. Fit in Fitness
Exercise will help you beat stress, boost energy, and promote better sleep. If you don’t have 30 minutes daily to commit to a workout, break up your exercise into three 10-minute segments: a short walk to or from your car or around the block before work, climbing the stairs in your house repeatedly, and a strength session using mini-weights. The more you can incorporate these exercises as part of your daily routine, the sooner you will reap the benefits.
3. Make a List
Get organized with a master checklist so you know exactly what needs to get done and when. You may have to delegate chores to other people so you don’t have to do any last-minute running around. Enlist family members if you can, or outsource by hiring temporary services. You can have meals or meal kits delivered through the holiday season or hire a cleaning service for a month or two. Sometimes it’s worth spending some money to save time and stress.
4. Stick to Your Budget
Financial pressures can be a major cause of stress any time of year, but they can greatly increase during the holidays. It’s so easy to overspend. Creating a spending plan can help keep your spending under control and make you feel more financially secure. In addition to budgeting, you can also offer family and friends the opportunity to choose an experience they’d like to do with you. Whether that’s a trip to a museum, hike, show, or a trip to a winery, it doesn’t have to be pricey. This also helps to spread out your spending, so you don’t have to utilize all of your holiday funds at the same time.
5. Invest Time in Yourself
Create time each week to do something you love. Even just one hour each week that you can dedicate to yourself will help you to unwind. Put it on your calendar or planner and let family members know your plan, so that they can support you in achieving this. It can be challenging at first to commit to taking time for yourself, especially for those with very hectic schedules. However, you will not be able to function at your highest level when you’re not investing in your own well-being.
6. Say No
Don’t over-commit yourself! Keep a calendar of all of the holiday events that you want to go to or need to attend and make sure to be aware of them as you book any further plans. It’s so easy to say yes and try to make the most of holiday festivities, but with no time to take care of yourself, do chores, or recover, you’re bound to burn out. If you don’t have your calendar with you when you receive an invite, tell that person you’ll get back to them.
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