July 15, 2019

Love it or hate it, computers, tablets, and smartphones can all be extremely effective tools in speech and language development for children. Teaching kids through apps is a high-tech way to get kids excited and involved in language development. It’s often an affordable way to keep kids practicing even when their speech therapist isn’t around. Setting aside just 15-30 minutes a day to engage your child with one of the apps listed below is a win-win for both you and your child! The apps will help tremendously with your child’s speech and language development and will most likely feel like playtime (learn more about speech therapy in your own home here).
The 5 Best Speech and Language Development Apps
1. Speech Tutor
Speech Tutor is wonderful because it shows you exactly what happens inside the mouth and throat during speech. There are over 130 animations embedded within the app so you and your child have a clear picture of how to create sounds.
Parent tip: I used this app with my 5-year-old son and he thought the pictures and animations were very cool. He got a kick out of trying to imitate what he saw on the screen, and felt accomplished when he actually did it!
2. Talking Pierre the Parrot
Talking Pierre the Parrot is a pet that lives in this app and repeats everything it hears! Added bonus: the parrot’s voice is pretty silly, making it hilarious for kids to continually engage with. This is not a dedicated speech therapy app, but it’s a fantastic way to practice articulation so Pierre the Parrot repeats your child correctly!
Parent tip: Spend some time practicing new sounds with Speech Tutor (mentioned above), and once the sounds are mastered, reward your child with Talking Pierre the Parrot. I did this with my son and the positive reinforcement really encouraged him.
3. TallyTots
TallyTots is an app that focuses on verbs, two-word combinations, counting, concepts (matching, on/off, etc.), and following directions. The app is described as “action-packed” and is loaded with mini-games, sing-along counting songs and a counting guide (amongst many other things!).
Parent tip: Need 20 minutes to cook dinner? Hand your child the iPad and let them go crazy poking around TallyTots. Using this app, my son learned to count to 100!
4. Articulation Station
Created by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, Articulation Station is an app designed to help children learn to speak and pronounce their sounds more clearly. This is the only app available that offers practice at the word, phrase, sentence, and story. Once in the app, choose from flashcards or matching games, and enjoy the ease of keeping track of your child’s accuracy and progress.
Parent tip: This app can get pricey, so only buy the letters or sounds your child struggles with!
5. Speech Blubs: Language Therapy
Speech Blubs uses scientifically proven video modeling as well as over 1,000 exercises, activities, funny hats, videos, mini-games, and more for effective speech development. The app features 14 fun sections, such as early sounds, mouth gym, and sing along. As your child plays, he can collect stickers within the app and use pretend candy to unlock funny and educational content designed to trigger endless conversation.
Parent tip: This app releases new content regularly, so there is an endless supply of content for your children to enjoy!
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