May 19, 2020

Throughout 2020 — and so far, through 2021 — people have gotten used to social distancing and spending most of their time at home in order to stay as safe as possible from COVID-19. However, no matter how careful one tries to be, at some point, it’s common to get cabin fever. Now that there’s a vaccine, there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. And with it, there’s the desire to start socializing with loved ones. This is an especially welcome concept if you have little ones at home. But, what exactly can you do to make these outings fun?
9 Fun Outdoor Family Activities
1. Picnics
It’s no secret that kids can be picky eaters. But if you plan ahead, you can pique their interest in the snacks you pack. For example, freezing berries inside ice cubes is a fun way to get them interested in drinking water. Use cookie cutters to shape their sandwiches. Make protein balls with their favorite flavors (peanut butter, coconut flakes, oats, dried cranberries, honey, chocolate, etc…) Remember to bring fun, colorful blankets, tablecloth, or fun towels to sit on, throw pillows, cutlery, napkins, baby wipes, and to pack sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Oh, and remember to always check the weather forecast before you go!
2. Scavenger Hunt
You can do this in a smaller area, such as your front garden or backyard. During the planning stages, walk around, looking for hiding places you hadn’t thought about. Once you’ve mapped out the locations, write down numbered clues and put them inside envelopes. You can get creative by coming up with rhymes or funny phrases in each clue. Have the first clue lead to the second one, then to the third one, and so on.
3. Flying Kites
Get kites in themes and colors your kids would enjoy — Hello Kitty, Spiderman, SpongeBob, or whichever character they love the most. This is a fun way to put away those ever-present screens and just enjoy the breeze, sunshine, and doing something that’s both calming and exciting. Remember to stand with your back to the wind. Hold the kite up, and let the wind catch it, releasing the line gradually.
4. Outdoor Games
Think of all the games you liked as a child — hide and seek, Marco Polo, hopscotch, water guns, running through the sprinklers, having water balloon fights, or simply sitting outside eating popsicles while playing I Spy. It’s fun, it will tire them out by dinner time, and it helps them socialize with friends and family.
5. A Day at the Beach
Check the weather before planning a day at the beach. Also, learn to recognize the signs of rip tides before getting in the water. Once that’s out of the way, pack up oversized towels, a beach umbrella, and fill up a cooler with everyone’s favorite snacks and drinks. Make it a point to engage with the kids — by making sandcastles, burying each other, digging holes in the sand, or having a dance.
6. Get Competitive
Get everyone to participate to make this more fun. Set up a timer and see who can walk, jog, or run farthest before the countdown ends. Make it more interesting by offering prizes to the first, second, and third-place winners — a coloring book, candy, or homemade medals.
7. Plant a Tree
This is a fun activity because it teaches children about gardening and what it takes to make a tree grow. They also get to see the gradual process as their small tree becomes taller as time goes by. This also gets bonus nostalgia points, because years from today, when the tree is tall and your kids have grown up, they can look back and show people the tree they planted when they were little. In the alternative, plant a garden with their favorite flowers.
8. Make S’mores
You can start a bonfire on the sand at the beach and have everyone sit around and roast marshmallows to make s’mores. While everyone’s doing so, have everyone in the group tell scary stories — or have each person make up a portion of a story and have the person sitting next to them continue with the narration, making it up as they go along. Continue doing it until everyone in the group has participated.
9. Find Rocks to Paint
Look for rocks that are large and smooth enough to paint. Rinse and scrub them well to get them ready for painting. Prep them by covering them with a layer of gesso. You and your kiddies can make ornaments they can keep or give to loved ones as gifts. They can be themed to their favorite cartoons or hobbies, and you can keep one as a paperweight in your office to showcase your kids’ artistic talents. Use acrylic paints to make their artwork stand out and last a long time.
Contact Care Options for Kids for Pediatric Home Health Care
It can be hard to balance your time between work, home, and caring for a child. That’s why our team of skilled professionals at Care Options for Kids is here to help.
Our home health care services offer support in the comfort of your home. We refer loving and competent nurses to provide customized care for families — from a few hours a day to around-the-clock supervision. Contact us directly to speak with a home health care professional or request a free in-home assessment. Together we can determine the best plan of action to keep your loved ones happy and healthy.
If you or a loved one are considering pediatric home health care services, contact the caring staff at Care Options for Kids. Call today at (888) 592-5855.
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