January 1, 2020
With the New Year starting, now is the time that many people begin their resolutions. For 2019, the top five goals were to diet or eat healthier, to exercise more, to lose weight, to save more and spend less, and to learn a new hobby or skill. While a New Year’s resolution can be an admirable ambition, sticking to it for the next 12 months is often easier said than done, especially with a busy career as a home health care worker. Rather than quitting before you start though, it’s important to set practical goals that position you for success rather than failure. Here, we’re putting a twist on some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions so that despite your demanding schedule, you can start 2020 feeling motivated and ready to thrive.
Resolution #1: Eat Healthier, Specifically
As a health care provider, you already know that eating healthy should be a top priority. However, without any parameters, this resolution can quickly become overwhelming and difficult to follow. Instead, consider making your goal more specific. For example, you might introduce a “Meatless Monday,” or commit to introducing new fruits and vegetables into your diet each week. Eliminate unnecessary sugars (like those found in soda) and vow to drink more water. And since it can be difficult to find time to eat a good meal during the work day, pack lots of healthy snacks that are full of protein—like trail mix and turkey roll-ups—to keep you full between client visits.
Resolution #2: Move More
Like making healthy food choices, exercise should also be part of your daily routine. That being said, it can be tough to find time to get to the gym or go out for a run, especially during the winter. Rather than making it a goal to exercise more in the New Year, pledge to move more in 2020. This can take shape in a variety of ways, from opting for the stairs instead of the elevator to taking a free workout class in the comfort of your own home. If your clients are up to it, invite them to go on a walk with you, as we all can benefit from some fresh air.
Resolution #3: Set Aside the Scale
Instead of fixating on a number on the scale, make 2020 the year that you focus on how your body actually feels. While maintaining a healthy weight is important, track your progress by keeping a fitness journal that can help you reach your goals. Remember that your wellness is important too, so in addition to caring for others, always leave time for self-care.
Resolution #4: Shop Consciously
While saving more and spending less might sound like a simple enough resolution, we all know that various needs (and wants) will inevitably pop up throughout the year. Whether you find yourself shopping for groceries, clothing, household items, or any other number of goods, commit to spending your hard-earned money more consciously in 2020. This means making informed choices that align with your personal values and supporting companies (especially local ones!) that follow ethical business practices, as well as being aware of your own consumption.
Resolution #5: Learn a New Hobby or Skill
This resolution doesn’t need much updating, since learning something new should always be a welcome challenge. And with the rise in popularity of apps like Duolingo and Codeacademy, you can gain new skills, like how to speak in a foreign language or how to code, even on-the-go!
Now that we’ve said goodbye to 2019 and ushered in 2020 and all that it has in store for us, what are you looking forward to accomplishing in the New Year?
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