Twice a month, we highlight one of the incredible children we work with. In the last post, we looked at Andrew’s amazing progress in working with his occupational therapists to follow directions. This week, we’re going to highlight a wonderful girl as she expands her vocabulary with one of our therapists.
Expanding Vocabulary through Speech Therapy
Arielle is expanding her vocabulary with new words and signs. She is working with Speech Therapist Jennie, a CCC-SLP, and is constantly imitating words and learning new signs daily. She also frequently imitates 2-word phrases (both verbal and signed!). Arielle’s mom and Jennie are so excited about her progress! Congratulations, Arielle!
Working with a Speech-Language Pathologist at Care Options for Kids
It can be difficult to know when to seek help for your child’s speech. There are a few signs to keep an eye out for, including eating challenges, frustration on your child’s part, not sounding like other children their age, strangers not being able to understand them, stuttering, failure to respond when spoken to, no interest in communication, voice problems, and more (get a full list of speech milestones here). If you are concerned at all about your child’s speech development, calling us to speak with a speech therapist will give you peace of mind and help you formulate a plan to help your child’s development.
The Benefits of In-Home Speech Therapy
We are passionate about providing in-home therapy to children across Colorado. Therapy that takes place in a child’s own environment is extremely effective. They don’t have to get used to a new place or travel to a new location. Instead, they are allowed to learn in their own environment and daily routine. This results in faster improvement and growth in development. Additionally, parents are much more involved in therapy at home, which gives them the tools they need to continue coaching their children throughout the day in their normal routines. Early intervention therapy is extremely helpful in a child's development. Learn more about the importance of early intervention, and how our therapists strive to give your child the tools for success!
Care Options for Kids is dedicated to serving children and their families through speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, early intervention, and physical therapy. If you have questions about your child’s development, don’t hesitate to contact one of our skilled therapists to discuss the best options for their growth so they can live their best life.