December 6, 2018

A major milestone that stands between the exit of infancy and the entrance to childhood is the move from a crib to a big kid’s bed. If your toddler seems perfectly content with the crib and there have been no escape attempts, it's to everyone's advantage to maintain the status quo. Your toddler will be in a safe, comfortable sleep environment and there are no developmental issues that will arise from waiting to make this transition. You can safely wait until your child starts showing signs like trying to climb out of the crib or you can wait until your child is potty trained and needs to be able to go to the bathroom independently at night.
Signs of When to Move
Unlike some developmental milestones of early childhood, such as learning to use the potty or starting solids, the move from crib to bed doesn't involve a checklist of signs indicating that your child is ready. The one overriding concern is safety. As a general rule, parents should move a baby from a crib to a bed before he is able to climb out of it on his own and possibly hurt himself.
Make it Fun
Whichever bed you choose, let your child help pick out kid-friendly sheets, pillowcases, and comforters, and personalize the space with her favorite stuffed animals. Once the bed is home and in your child's room, however, don't be surprised if your little one doesn't want to sleep in it. It might be necessary to actually remove the crib from your child's room when the new bed arrives. It can be stressful for a toddler to have to choose between sleeping in her crib and wanting to be a baby and sleeping in her bed.
So whether your child takes to his new bed right away or needs some time to warm up to it (here are some great sleep apps for kids to track their sleep), know that he's taking an important step forward in his development and toward becoming a fun and independent "big kid."
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