What Happens in an IEP Meeting?

March 30, 2018
Care Options for Kids
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Navigating an IEP Meeting (individualized education program) can be tricky and overwhelming. However, there are things you can do to make it easier not only for you but for your child, too! This article outlines what to expect in an annual IEP meeting, including who should attend, what is discussed and decided, and what steps should be taken after the meeting to help your child reach their highest potential.

Ultimately, the IEP will guide your child’s day-to-day education for the next year. With the proper tools and knowledge, you can go into the meeting feeling prepared with questions, insights, and observations.

Overview of IEP Meetings

  • The annual IEP meeting is the time to review, revise, and update your child’s IEP.
  • Every element of the IEP should be covered during the meeting.
  • It’s important that the IEP meeting focus on your child as an individual.

If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), you and the rest of his IEP team will meet at least once a year to sit down together and make sure the IEP meets your child’s needs.
The IEP needs to be revised as your child makes progress and faces new challenges, and as new instruction techniques and technology become available.

If this is your first IEP meeting, you and the rest of the team will develop your child’s first IEP. After that, you’ll meet every year to update and revise the IEP to reflect his current strengths and needs. (A new, thorough evaluation is required every three years unless you and the school agree it isn’t necessary.)

Who Attends an IEP Meeting?

You and the rest of your child’s IEP team attend every IEP meeting. The team includes:

  • You: Parents take an active role in all IEP meetings.
  • At least one of your child’s general education teachers (unless your child doesn’t work with general education teachers).
  • At least one special education teacher or other special education provider.
  • A school district representative knowledgeable about general education and special education. This representative has the power to commit school resources for your child.
  • A school psychologist or other specialist who can interpret your child’s first (or most recent) evaluation and test results.
  • Your child, starting when the IEP team develops the transition plan for life after high school. This plan will be part of the IEP that goes into effect when your child turns 16. (Your child may attend meetings even earlier if you think it is appropriate. Early participation can help build self-advocacy skills.)

A team member can be excused if both you and the school agree to it. Otherwise, the team should reschedule the meeting when everyone can be present.

You can invite someone who understands your child’s needs (such as a healthcare provider) to attend the IEP meeting. You also can ask a friend or advocate. It can be helpful to have an extra set of eyes and ears in the room. Let the school know about any guests ahead of time.

Anyone who can’t attend in person can participate by conference call or video chat. Be sure to tell the IEP team leader in advance if you or a guest will need a phone or video connection.

What Happens in an IEP Meeting?

The IEP developed during the meeting is considered a draft IEP. Some schools create this in advance and share it at the IEP meeting. If your child’s school creates the draft ahead of time, ask them to send it to you well before the meeting.
The draft is a work in progress. You have the right to suggest changes during the meeting.

Every IEP meeting should cover these key aspects:

  • Present level of performance (PLOP): The team leader will write a statement about your child’s current academic and functional performance (social, behavioral and motor skills, for example) and goals. This is based on data (like test scores) and observations from you and other team members.
  • Annual goals: The team reviews what progress your child has made toward meeting his annual goals. Then together you develop new or revised goals for the coming year. It’s important for annual goals to be specific, measurable, and tailored to your child.
  • Individualized supports and services: The team discusses how well your child’s accommodations, modifications, and specialized instruction work. Then you and the team update the supports and services to match your child’s PLOP and new annual goals.

If it seems like the team is proposing “one size fits all” strategies, remind them that the IEP should reflect your child’s individual strengths and needs. If you don’t understand something or need clarification, speak up. This is your best chance all year to communicate with the whole team.

Wrapping Up the IEP Meeting and Next Steps

The team leader will note any changes to the IEP that the team has agreed to during the meeting. This will become a draft version of the new IEP. If you’re not ready to sign all or part of the new IEP, you can take it home to think about it. You can also ask when the new IEP will go into effect and how long you have to decide.

When the meeting is over (or when you agree to the new IEP), don’t simply file it and forget it. The IEP will guide your child’s day-to-day education for the next year. Get ready to monitor how it plays out.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s crucial that the IEP team consider your questions, insights, and observations.
  • If a team member can’t attend, they can join remotely, or you can postpone the meeting.
  • You can invite guests to support you or provide information about your child.