Top Reads for Nurses: How Books Can Boost Your Career and Well-Being

May 3, 2024
Janelle Thomas MSN, RN
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As a nurse, you know the strain of long shifts and the emotional labor involved in our profession. Your downtime offers a perfect opportunity to recharge, and what better way to do so than by losing yourself in a good book? 

This month, we invite you to kick back with our handpicked selection of tales celebrating the dedication and personal triumphs in nursing — a well-deserved retreat for those who spend their days caring for others.

The Therapeutic Power of Reading

Why Reading Matters for Nurses

  • Stress Relief: Engaging with a good book can significantly lower stress levels, offering an escape from the routine pressures of nursing.
  • Empathy and Insight: Literature about nursing or caregiving can enhance empathy, providing new perspectives on patient care and personal interactions.
  • Professional Inspiration: Stories of triumph and dedication in the healthcare field can reignite your passion for nursing and remind you of the reasons you chose this career path.

5 Recommended Reads for Nurses

  1. Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry: This book highlights the importance of emotional intelligence (or EQ) and offers practical tips on understanding your own emotions and those of others, which is crucial for building strong patient and coworker relationships in our field.
  2. Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change Our World by Sarah DiGregorio: Sarah DiGregorio celebrates the impactful role of nursing throughout history with inspiring stories and research. It’s an excellent read for understanding how our profession shapes global health care.
  3. Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy by Mikki Meadows-Oliver: Perfect for those in pediatric nursing, this book simplifies complex procedures and concepts. It's like having a knowledgeable friend explain the intricacies of pediatric care in a straightforward way.
  4. The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients' Lives by Theresa Brown: Theresa Brown offers an intimate peek into the realities of a 12-hour shift. Her experiences reflect our work's emotional and critical nature, making it a relatable read for any nurse.
  5. Healing Children: A Surgeon’s Stories from the Frontiers of Pediatric Medicine by Kurt Newman: Kurt Newman shares moving stories from his experiences as a pediatric surgeon. These stories are insightful for understanding the specialized care required for children and their resilience in the face of illness.

Incorporating Reading into Your Routine

Making Time to Read

  • Set Attainable Goals: Start with as little as 20 minutes of reading daily, perhaps during a break or before bed.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Make your reading space inviting with comfortable seating, good lighting, and minimal distractions.
  • Join a Book Club: To engage with fellow nurses, join a book club focused on healthcare-related literature or personal development.

Benefits of Reading Outdoors

  • Vitamin D Boost: Reading outside can increase vitamin D levels, improving mood and overall health.
  • Enhanced Relaxation: Natural settings can improve the relaxing effects of reading, making it a perfect summer activity.

Nurturing Your Professional Growth

Continued Education Through Literature

  • Professional Development: Books covering recent medical research or healthcare strategies can keep you updated on industry trends and best practices.
  • Personal Growth: Inspirational books can provide motivation and tools for self-improvement, both personally and professionally.

Leveraging Stories in Patient Care

  • Enhanced Patient Relationships: Sharing stories or book recommendations can help build stronger connections with patients and their families.
  • Teaching Through Tales: Use narratives from your readings to educate patients and families about health, recovery, and resilience.

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