May 19, 2018

Glen Adams entertains, dates, and carries out charity work at the age of 98 with help from Care Options for Kids.
Having successfully led a Chicago-based plastics company for several decades, Glen decided to enjoy his retirement in a warmer climate, specifically Willoughby Country Club in Florida.
“I had over 400 employees with four different divisions and I specialized in everything from plastic molding to submersible bill pumps. I loved Chicago and I loved the work, but when the time came for me to enjoy my retirement, I wanted to be somewhere where the water wouldn’t freeze in winter!”
Following his move to Florida, Glen soon became an active and notable member of his community; supporting and attending charity fundraisers, dinner dances, local culinary tours, and golf tournaments.
Glen added: “At 98, I do everything now that I’ve always done, apart from golf. I injured my back some time ago which took that off the table on my doctor’s advice, but I wasn’t prepared to give up anything else. That’s why I called in Care Options for Kids to help me find someone who could assist in my day-to-day schedule and help me to remain an active part of my community.”
After the initial consultation and a thorough interview process, a home caregiver, Aaron, was selected as the perfect match for Glen. Aaron has now been a part of Glen’s day-to-day life for over three years.
“I’ve been a caregiver for more than 14 years now, and I’ve got to say, Mr. Adams has been one of my best clients ever. I’m originally from Jamaica, and I’ve lived in a few places, but this is a real community and Mr. Adams is very much at the heart of it.”
The day-to-day schedule for Glen and Aaron is similar to the routine of many assisted living communities across the country, beginning with breakfast and physical therapy. However, when it comes to the social elements of the week, not one day is the same as the next.
“We visit restaurants, go to the movies, attend bingo nights, go sightseeing, support art shows, and maintain a commitment to charity work in the community. Mr. Adams likes to do volunteer work, especially during the holidays and we do a lot of good stuff with hospice organizations every week. I also drive Mr. Adams to his social appointments, including the dates that he still goes on!” Aaron added.
When asked about Aaron’s role in his everyday life, Mr. Adams said: “I still have my independence – I read and make my own art that I then frame and give away, but I’m not ashamed to say that I sometimes need help maintaining my appointments outside of my home, and that’s where Aaron really shines.”
“We get on so well and I’m delighted to have a friend in him; someone who appreciates the value of an active social calendar and how that plays such a huge part in my life. It keeps me going, it keeps him going, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s thanks to Care Options for Kids that my life is still my life, and I wouldn’t change that for anything.”
Glen concluded: “We conquer as much as we can in 12 hours, and what we don’t get to, we save for the next day. That way we always have something to work towards and look forward to. I’ll be 99 this year and I have no plans to slow down, so I hope Aaron doesn’t either!”

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