El proceso de educación especial (Free Downloadable!)

April 18, 2019
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP
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Several years ago (and a great many years under our collective special ed belts) we decided to create a printable, shareable, free resource that described the special education process in a simple, easy-to-understand way. Our wonderful designer, Meagan, worked closely with THFers to bring this dream to life. Now, 4 years later, it is far and away our most popular resource and has made its way into special education meetings around the country. 


Almost from its inception, we knew we wanted it translated into Spanish (and every other language, too, honestly). Today, after far too long,  we're thrilled to share a Spanish version of our Special Education Process printable. Click on the image or one of the links below to download your free copy. After you download and if you feel up to it, share it on social and tag us. We love to hear how you're using the things we love to make (you can tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram)!

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Download the pdf by clicking on the image above or by clicking [formlightbox_call title="gravity form" class="16"]here[/formlightbox_call]. And if you'd like to check out our Spanish translation of our "Who Is On Your Sped Team" shareable, click here!