Hello Presents - Sara in Alaska (Video)

June 27, 2017
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP

Kids. They have the audacity to live everywhere. Even places that are remote and difficult to get to, and places that don't have resident service providers to support their needs. Can you believe it?

Of course you can, especially if you're someone who lives in one of those places and has kids in your life. Having ready access to the people and services kids sometimes need can be one of the biggest challenges for families and school districts in rural areas. While it's always best to have someone who lives in your community there to provide services, the reality is that it just isn't always possible or practical.

I'd like you to meet Sara. She's an SLP who spent several years serving students in some of the most remote areas of Alaska, 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle. This district, like any school district, has a set of needs that are unique to them. Sara worked hard to understand those needs and reminds us that the kids there have something in common with kids everywhere.

The Hello Promise Number 6 is "We will always serve your individual needs." We do this because, in the end, it really all just comes down to meeting kids where they are, be it down the street or in the North Pole, and giving them what they need to succeed and thrive.