Insight on Autism Diagnostic Observation

July 21, 2010
Sharon Soliday, CCC-SLP

JoAnn Collins offers insight into Autism Diagnostic Observation in special education from her perspective not only as a professional in the industry, but as a mother of two adults with disabilities.

Are you the parent of a young child who you believe has Autism or Pervasive Developmental Disorder(PDD)? Are special education personnel in your district refusing to acknowledge this diagnosis, despite a lot of evidence? Many school districts refuse to admit that a child has autism, because they do not want to provide the special education and related services that a child needs! But this tool can be used by special education personnel to see if your child has autism.

Read more from JoAnn's piece over on EZine Articles.

Can a Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Be Used by Special Education Personnel to Help My Child