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Local Mom Enjoying Benefits of Family CNA Program for Her Three Children

July 10, 2023
At Care Options for Kids, we believe no one makes a better caregiver than a loved one, which is a big reason why the Family Caregiver Services...

The Impact of Occupational Therapists on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

May 26, 2023
Pediatric occupational therapists utilize a variety of different methods and techniques to encourage and improve the skills needed for children...

Signs of Speech and Language Disorders in Children

May 3, 2023
As the nation recognizes Better Hearing and Speech Month this May, Jennie L., speech-language pathologist at Care Options for Kids, encourages...

Five-Year-Old Braeden Succeeding in Family CNA Program

April 18, 2023
Five-year-old Braeden was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and apraxia of speech. ASD requires substantial support, and there are...

Five-Year-Old Sebastian Overcoming ASD Struggles With Mother 

January 18, 2023
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive...

Two-Year-Old Displaying Exceptional Improvement With Family Caregiver

January 11, 2023
Two-year-old Charli was born with a rare brain disorder called bilateral schizencephaly, a birth defect characterized by abnormal clefts in the...

Tantrums In Toddlers

December 19, 2022
We have all seen, heard, or experienced a temper tantrum from a young child in our lives. Whether it is the screaming child on the airplane, the...

Alice sobresale en las sesiones de tratamiento, muestra una mejora todos los días

November 30, 2022
Un accidente cerebrovascular perinatal ocurre en cualquier momento entre la mitad del embarazo (alrededor de las 22 semanas) y el primer mes de...

Six-Year-Old Thriving in Telehealth Speech Therapy Sessions

November 22, 2022
There are three levels of autism that identify the amount of support an autistic person might need. ASD Level 1 is the mildest form, with children...

Picky Eating In Children | Is It Normal and What To Do

October 27, 2022
Picky eating amongst children is a tale as old as time. It’s no secret that children usually prefer things like fish sticks and pizza instead of...
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