The Boxes of Backpacks Project

June 9, 2014
Sharon Soliday, CCC-SLP
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There are times I step away from my computer and appreciate the chance to tackle a project requiring the use of something besides Home Row. But when it involves giving to kids -- it actually is fun!

Anyone could have ordered some backpacks and sent them directly to a district but I'm a firm believer that packaging matters.

So here's what I did:

  • I bought 5 different, cool backpacks for each destination
  • I included post-it message to the student who receives every backpack, along with a SASE and an invitation to write to us (stay tuned to see if any are returned!)
  • I gift-wrapped a personal note to the special education director thanking them for ensuring these got to kids or families in need and letting them know that, btw, my favorite pack is Spiderman ;)

Backpack 2Backpack box Backpacks for Yakima

Is this a marketing/sales/kissing babies kind of thing? Sure. I totally own that. More importantly, though, it benefits students. And in the end, those kids are all that really matters.