Ways to Engage: Summer Reading

June 28, 2016
Kathleen Callaghan, CCC-SLP
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Edutopia (awesome, all-encompassing education site created by George Lucas of Star Wars fame) has posted their top eight summer reading apps to help keep your kids engaged in summer reading during the long hot summer months. One that we're most intrigued about?  Newsela, a news-based app that provides articles on current events at five different reading levels. So your 2nd grader, 5th grader, and 10th grader can all read the same article independently and then discuss.  Brilliant idea and an opportunity to reduce that pesky "are we there yet?" question on long road trips to Yellowstone.  We can't wait to try it out here in the clinic!

Newsela devices summer reading Newsela has great articles for summer reading and is available for all of your devices. Can't wait to try it!

Aside from keeping them entertained on long trips (and those looooong summer days), making an effort to keep kids reading over the summer makes a big difference in how they return to school in the Fall. The summer slide is real, and this is a great way to combat it! (And if you're looking for more ways to keep the slide at bay, check out this post on our blog.)
PS.  I also use Overdrive for my own personal use through the Multnomah County Library here in Portland.  Its been a lifesaver over the years as I have traveled around the country and the world.  I can't recommend it enough for the whole family!