What are you wishing for this holiday season?

December 10, 2015
Renee Limon
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Some call it the most wonderful time of the year. Others call it that time of year when the days are short, dark, wet, and windy, and might best be spent hibernating. It's also a time of year when if we play our cards right, just sometimes, wishes may be granted. I thought it would be fun to ask a question of our friends at the clinic: What are you wishing for this holiday season?

Lori: "I wish for snow!"

Kathleen: "For some of my grandmother's ginger cookies to still be left when I get there!" And, for "Everybody to have more compassion for each other, especially on the road, and at the airport."

Kim: "A stand-up paddle-board, and more daylight!"

Laura: "Snow, chocolate crinkle cookies and a full night's sleep."

Jane: "I am wishing for a sunny winter day in Bent Rail boots."

Christy: "I hope that this next year allows all humans from near and far to realize we are all connected and we are wanting the same things from life: love, peace and equity. It's a tall order, but it's been a tricky year with explaining to my kiddos what all this pain and suffering is about."

Bob: "To make this transition (to retirement) with grace."

Jolene: "Gratitude."

Jenny: "Heated steering-wheel cover. Peace on Earth. Inner quiet."

Renee: "A way for my kids to stop growing up so fast! And lots and lots of holiday cookies."

Here are a few wishes from moms (who shall be nameless for their own protection):

  • "For my kids to say 'thank you' when they get a gift, without being reminded!"
  • "Time alone in the bathroom."
  • "A full night's sleep!"

Last, but not least, a few wishes from the kiddos who humored me:

  • "Snow days!"
  • "A Seahawks shirt, and a Giants shirt."
  • "A remote-controlled truck and helicopter."

Wishing you all the best for this holiday season!
