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Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Co-Treatment Gets Luke the Best Out of His Physical & Occupational Therapy
August 16, 2022
We have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing and determined kids on a daily basis. These children not only work hard to overcome...

Community Outreach Event Held in Lakewood
August 16, 2022
Two teams from the West Region hosted a community outreach event at Ray Ross Park in Lakewood this past week. The event, which provided an...

Annabelle’s Expressive Language Disorder Improving With Telehealth Therapy
July 15, 2022
From the moment of birth, children begin to learn and express themselves through language. As they grow, their capacity to communicate their ideas...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Skyler's Independence Soars with Telehealth Speech Therapy
July 5, 2022
It is our pleasure to work with determined and motivated kids that have the enthusiasm and support to push through challenges, try new skills, and...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Samuel is Crushing his Telehealth Speech Therapy Goals
May 31, 2022
On a daily basis, we get the opportunity to work with the most amazing kids to help them rise above challenges, learn new skills, and gain the...

Alfonso Displaying Amazing Progress in Occupational, Speech Therapy Sessions
May 18, 2022
At two-years-old, Alfonso would often scream, cry and use jargon to communicate. He often ran away from non-preferred activities and rarely sat for...

Dylan is Progressing Extremely Well With Robust AAC System
March 16, 2022
Two-year-old diagnosed with autism and a severe speech delay has expanded his vocabulary to 50+ words Augmentative and Alternative...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Angeline Improves Her Eating & Communication Skills During Meals
February 28, 2022
Every day our therapists get the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing kids and help them develop to their full potential. It brings us...

Alice Excels in Treatment Sessions, Displays Improvement Every Day
February 23, 2022
A perinatal stroke occurs anytime between the middle of pregnancy—around 22 weeks— and the first month of a newborn’s life. This means a perinatal...

Elise Making Great Progress in Multiple Therapy Sessions
February 17, 2022
Eleven-year-old Elise M. was born with Polymicrogyria (PMG), a condition characterized by abnormal development of the brain before birth....