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Five-Year-Old Sebastian Overcoming ASD Struggles With Mother
January 18, 2023
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive...

The Top Skills Required for Success as a Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist
January 12, 2023
Having the right skills and qualities to succeed as a pediatric speech language pathologist is essential for maintaining quality of care. Speech and...

Two-Year-Old Displaying Exceptional Improvement With Family Caregiver
January 11, 2023
Two-year-old Charli was born with a rare brain disorder called bilateral schizencephaly, a birth defect characterized by abnormal clefts in the...

Care Options for Kids Donates $33,350 to CHC Foundation and Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes
December 28, 2022
We were so thrilled to present checks this past week totaling $33,350 to the Children's Hospital Colorado Foundation and the Barbara Davis Center...

Nine-Year-Old Crushing OT Goals Through In-Home, Telehealth Sessions
December 22, 2022
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects how a person acts, learns and expresses themselves. While individuals with ASD can share common symptoms,...

Alice sobresale en las sesiones de tratamiento, muestra una mejora todos los días
November 30, 2022
Un accidente cerebrovascular perinatal ocurre en cualquier momento entre la mitad del embarazo (alrededor de las 22 semanas) y el primer mes de...

Six-Year-Old Thriving in Telehealth Speech Therapy Sessions
November 22, 2022
There are three levels of autism that identify the amount of support an autistic person might need. ASD Level 1 is the mildest form, with children...

El trastorno del lenguaje expresivo de Annabelle mejora con la terapia de telesalud
November 17, 2022
Desde el momento del nacimiento, los niños comienzan a aprender y expresarse a través del lenguaje. A medida que crecen, su capacidad para...

Alfonso muestra un progreso asombroso en las sesiones de terapia ocupacional y del habla
October 20, 2022
A los dos años, Alfonso a menudo gritaba, lloraba y usaba la jerga para comunicarse. A menudo se escapaba de las actividades no preferidas y rara...

Speech-Language Pathologist’s Career Path Influenced by Twin Brother
October 19, 2022
Growing up in Silver City, New Mexico, Jason’s twin brother endured health problems and several developmental delays, which required a specialized...