Blog, News, & Resources

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Meet Peter | Occupational Therapist

July 23, 2021
Meet Peter, occupational therapist at Care Options for Kids. A member of the Care Options for Kids team for two years, Peter earned his bachelor's...

Meet Cassie | Occupational Therapist

July 12, 2021
Meet Cassie, one of our amazing occupational therapists. A member of the Care Options for Kids team for four years, Cassie earned a bachelor's degree...

Care Options for Kids Celebration: Andrew's Incredible Progress in Occupational Therapy

October 6, 2020
A few times a month we are taking the opportunity to showcase the milestones and triumphs accomplished by the amazing kids we work with. Previously,...

Your Child’s Engine Level

March 1, 2019
Have you noticed when it’s just about time for bedtime your child starts playing even harder, running around and chatting your ear off? This is your...

Dressing Milestones

February 11, 2019
If your house is anything like my house in the morning, there are a lot of words exchanged back-and-forth between my kids and I about getting...

January Clinician of the Month Jessica Leer

April 4, 2018
As Jessica Leer, OT would say, Occupational Therapy found her. Following a traumatic brain injury, she was paired up with an OT to help in her...
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