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Tantrums In Toddlers
December 19, 2022
We have all seen, heard, or experienced a temper tantrum from a young child in our lives. Whether it is the screaming child on the airplane, the...
El trastorno del lenguaje expresivo de Annabelle mejora con la terapia de telesalud
November 17, 2022
Desde el momento del nacimiento, los niños comienzan a aprender y expresarse a través del lenguaje. A medida que crecen, su capacidad para...
Picky Eating In Children | Is It Normal and What To Do
October 27, 2022
Picky eating amongst children is a tale as old as time. It’s no secret that children usually prefer things like fish sticks and pizza instead of...
Hypotonia: Low Muscle Tone in Children
October 25, 2022
What is Hypotonia? The word “hypotonia” comes from a combination of Greek words: “hypo” meaning low or under + “tone” meaning to stretch, + “ia”...
Alfonso muestra un progreso asombroso en las sesiones de terapia ocupacional y del habla
October 20, 2022
A los dos años, Alfonso a menudo gritaba, lloraba y usaba la jerga para comunicarse. A menudo se escapaba de las actividades no preferidas y rara...
Elise logra un gran progreso en múltiples sesiones de terapia
October 12, 2022
Elise M., de once años, nació con polimicrogiria (PMG), una afección caracterizada por un desarrollo anormal del cerebro antes del nacimiento. Por...
Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Fletcher Masters His Activities of Daily Living
September 12, 2022
Celebrating the victories of the incredible kids that we work with is a huge part of the joy we receive providing therapy at Care Options for Kids....
Clinicians Host "Kick-Off to School Year" Event
August 26, 2022
Team Epic and Team Arvada collaborated together to bring a fun afternoon for families with a “Kick Off to School Year” gathering. The park featured...
Occupational Therapist Realized Her Passion for Helping Others as a Teenager
August 24, 2022
Growing up in Cortlandt Manor, NY, Allison realized her passion for occupational therapy at a young age. As a 7th grade student she worked as a...
Care Options for Kids Partners With The Hello Foundation
August 22, 2022
Care Options for Kids continues mission of helping children and families live their best lives. Care Options for Kids is excited to add...