Blog, News, & Resources

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Reading and Speech Development

June 12, 2018
Most people would agree that reading to your child is important. It’s no secret that when a parent or caregiver reads to their child, countless...

Feeding Therapy for Picky Eaters

June 8, 2018
Whether your child is 12 months or 12 years, having a picky eater can be a super stressful situation during feeding time. For every child that...

Choosing a Therapist

May 22, 2018
Things to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Pediatric Speech Therapist, Pediatric Occupational Therapist or Pediatric Physical Therapist for your Child ...

Does My Child Need Feeding Therapy?

May 15, 2018
Feeding therapy helps children learn how to eat or how to eat better. Many children have “issues” when it comes to eating. Are they a picky eater? Is...

Pediatric Speech Therapy - Involving Siblings

May 4, 2018
As a parent of one child who received pediatric speech therapy while the other child did not, I know firsthand that some issues can arise. My older...

Tips for Parents: Baby’s First Toys!

April 27, 2018
As a newborn, a baby needs its parents for entertainment; the comfort of Dad’s arms or the tone of Mom’s voice makes them feel happy and stimulated....

Transitioning Baby to Crib

April 19, 2018
One of the first purchases of soon to be new parents is a crib. The vision of your new bundle of joy sleeping peacefully in the crib is heartwarming....

Benefits of Baby Sign Language

April 10, 2018
One of the biggest frustrations of any parent is trying to understand why your baby is upset. Before a baby can talk , it has been proven that...
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