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Alfonso muestra un progreso asombroso en las sesiones de terapia ocupacional y del habla

October 20, 2022
A los dos años, Alfonso a menudo gritaba, lloraba y usaba la jerga para comunicarse. A menudo se escapaba de las actividades no preferidas y rara...

Elise logra un gran progreso en múltiples sesiones de terapia

October 12, 2022
Elise M., de once años, nació con polimicrogiria (PMG), una afección caracterizada por un desarrollo anormal del cerebro antes del nacimiento. Por...

Annabelle’s Expressive Language Disorder Improving With Telehealth Therapy

July 15, 2022
From the moment of birth, children begin to learn and express themselves through language. As they grow, their capacity to communicate their ideas...

Jada Takes First Independent Steps and Stair Negotiation 

June 13, 2022
After Jada’s first birthday and healthcare check-up, her pediatrician observed that Jada was still not walking and was referred to Care Options for...

Alfonso Displaying Amazing Progress in Occupational, Speech Therapy Sessions

May 18, 2022
At two-years-old, Alfonso would often scream, cry and use jargon to communicate. He often ran away from non-preferred activities and rarely sat for...

Dylan is Progressing Extremely Well With Robust AAC System

March 16, 2022
Two-year-old diagnosed with autism and a severe speech delay has expanded his vocabulary to 50+ words Augmentative and Alternative...

Alice Excels in Treatment Sessions, Displays Improvement Every Day

February 23, 2022
A perinatal stroke occurs anytime between the middle of pregnancy—around 22 weeks— and the first month of a newborn’s life. This means a perinatal...

Elise Making Great Progress in Multiple Therapy Sessions

February 17, 2022
Eleven-year-old Elise M. was born with Polymicrogyria (PMG), a condition characterized by abnormal development of the brain before birth....

Local Teen with Cerebral Palsy Celebrates Accomplishments with Physical Therapy Team

August 4, 2021
Cerebral Palsy (CP), a disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture, is caused by abnormal brain development or...
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