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March 1, 2018
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, around 7.5 million in America have psoriasis. What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a serious skin...

Urinary Tract Infections in the Elderly

February 28, 2018
Wondering if you or a loved one has a UTI? You’re not alone. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are one of the most commonly diagnosed infections in...

Early Warning Signs of a Stroke

February 24, 2018
Approximately 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke every year. And with more than 140,000 people dying each year from stroke, it’s the third-leading...

Why Is Fiber Important in a Senior’s Diet?

February 21, 2018
Fact or fiction: All fiber is created equal? The answer is fiction. There are two types of dietary fiber, each with a different (and crucial)...

Pulled Muscles in Seniors

February 16, 2018
If you are like many people, some of your New Year’s resolutions revolved around getting more physical activity into your senior care routine with...


February 12, 2018
Much time each year is spent on educating seniors on the importance of receiving flu vaccinations. However, very little time is spent on educating...

Glaucoma in Seniors

February 4, 2018
Your senses are how you interact with the world around you and many people take them for granted, simply using them as needed without really thinking...

How to Protect Yourself From the Flu

January 26, 2018
Kerchoo! “God bless you!” Oh no! It’s that time of year again – the dreaded cold and flu season. How can we protect ourselves? Did you know you can...

What Is a Geriatric Care Manager?

January 21, 2018
Have you or a loved one had a prolonged hospital stay or, perhaps, multiple hospitalizations within a short time period? Do you or your loved one...

Tips for Keeping Medical Appointments

January 16, 2018
Forgot a doctor’s appointment? Forgot to fast for a lab test? In this complicated world of health care, a reliable medical appointment reminder...