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How to Help Elderly Clients Stay Happy at Home
October 1, 2021
Gradual decline in overall health and cognitive function is inevitable with advancing age. Studies have shown that seniors who challenge their...

The Best Foods for Brain Health
September 1, 2021
As a caretaker for an ill or aging loved one, their cognitive decline is something you may be concerned about. Today, Alzheimer’s disease and other...

Six Ways to Keep Your Clients Moving
August 4, 2021
Those dealing with illnesses, advanced age, or disabilities tend to be more inactive than the average person. This can cause myriad issues as those...

Summer Safety Tips for Immunocompromised and Aging Adults
July 1, 2021
Summer is in full swing; the sun is shining, the days are longer, thunder and lightning storms sweep in within seconds, and temperatures are quickly...

Fun Summer Activities You Can Do with Your Clients
June 1, 2021
Getting outside, feeling the sunlight on your skin, and breathing in fresh air are immediate mood-boosters. There are many ways for home health care...

Strategies for Staying Organized While Caregiving
May 1, 2021
Balancing care for a sick or aging loved one with other obligations and duties like child-rearing, your career, marriage, home, etc., can pose many...

Spring Safety Tips for Home Health Care Workers
April 3, 2021
As we eagerly await warmer weather, it’s important to also prepare ahead of time for what the change of season brings. Along with longer days, warmer...

Winter Survival Tips for Home Health Care Workers
February 1, 2021
In the dead of winter, there are myriad issues home health care workers may find themselves struggling with. Dangerous driving conditions, power...

The Best Foods to Boost Your and Your Loved One’s Immune Systems
November 1, 2020
Now that we are in the midst of cold and flu season during a worldwide pandemic, it’s more important than ever to stay healthy and strengthen your...

Important Self-Care Strategies for Home Health Care Workers
October 1, 2020
Being a home health care worker can be incredibly rewarding, but it can sometimes leave you feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. Many workers put an...