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Emergency Numbers to Keep at Your Fingertips
August 1, 2022
If you live alone, it’s important to have emergency numbers handy in the case of a fall or accident. Even if you have live-in caregiver assistance,...

Fall Prevention Home Safety Tips
July 1, 2022
As you get older, you recognize how important it is to prevent falls in your home. Making just a few small changes to your home can make all the...

Planning for Aging in Place
June 1, 2022
The CDC defines aging in place as "the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age,...

Elder Care with Preferred Home Health Care
May 19, 2022
If you have an elderly loved one who needs caretaking, the best option is often for them to stay in their home. For those who are not always...

What Are the Benefits of Becoming aPrivate Duty Nurse?
May 11, 2022
Nursing is a calling that takes equal parts skill and compassion. Nurses who work in hospitals or other public settings, and those on private duty,...

What is the Difference Between Live-in Careand 24-Hour Home Care?
May 10, 2022
With home health care, qualified medical professionals, such as registered nurses, provide medical care at your place of residence. Depending on your...

How to Help Your Client Tackle Allergy Season
May 2, 2022
If your client is finding themselves sneezing and blowing their nose nonstop lately, they’re not alone. Nearly 8% of Americans suffer from seasonal...

Pediatric Private Duty Nursing
April 20, 2022
What Is Pediatric Private Duty Nursing? A child with special needs requires extra TLC. While parents give their child enormous love and attention,...

Benefits of Pediatric Private Duty Nursing
April 20, 2022
When a child needs special personal care because of a developmental or physical disability or chronic condition, you may not be sure where to look....

When is it Time to Hire a Home Health Care Aide or Nurse?
April 1, 2022
Are you responsible for the care of a sick or aging loved one? As your friend or family member continues to need increasing care, it becomes nearly...