Blog, News, & Resources


Compliance: 3 Tasks for SLPs

November 2, 2018
When I get questions from school-based SLPs around compliance, it usually has to do with workload, e.g. "How do I maintain compliance when I don't...

Baby A Giggles His Way into His Caregiver’s Heart

October 29, 2018
Crystal Lytle used to be an LPN at an assisted living facility. Five years ago, she decided to switch paths to become a pediatric caregiver. Since...

October Pumpkin Craft and Halloween Fun!

October 12, 2018
I often pinch myself when I remember how awesome it is that I get to listen to, talk and connect with kids, parents and other caregivers as they...

What kind of candy is in your bag?

October 11, 2018
As any seasoned trick-or-treater knows, a truly excellent haul on Halloween night is classified by collecting just the right mix of fruity and...

A Caregiver Who Became Like Family

September 30, 2018
When Charles H. was diagnosed with dementia, his wife took on the full-time caregiver duties. She did so for 15 years with dedication and loving...

How to Use Telepractice as an On-Site SLP

September 19, 2018
When SLPs think about telepractice, often we think of the model that is being pushed by larger national telepractice companies: An SLP in one state...

Super Supervisory Skills: A Year-Long Tutorial (Updated for 2019-20)

September 17, 2018
Over the years we have often asked the special education administrators we work with what their biggest job-related challenge is. Given the diverse...

Back-to-School Homework Helpers

September 13, 2018
Back-to-school means back-to-busy for many families. How quickly we change the pace of our daily lives from the less-structured summer to the quite...

A Statement Against Facilitated Communication and the Rapid Prompting Method

September 6, 2018
Facilitated Communication and the Rapid Prompting Method are dubious means by which some claim they can help people with disabilities communicate. In...

Successful Caregiver Story: Sherri Friscia

September 5, 2018
Care Options for Kids caregiver Sherri Friscia has an impressive background: She’s worked as a technician for fighter aircrafts for the Air Force and...