What is retirement?

January 25, 2016
Renee Limon

There has been much discussion of retirement at The Hello Clinic over the past few weeks. Jolene Buckendorf, the heart and soul of the front desk, retired at the end of December. By the end of March, Bob Buckendorf will fully retire from the clinic. Conversations about retirement can go many ways. Here's a typical conversation with a parent about the Buckendorfs' retirement plans:

Bob & Jolene: Well, we're retiring soon, and moving to Idaho to be closer to our kids.

Client: No, you can't!

Bob & Jolene: We're building a house, and it's almost finished.

Client: No, this can't be true.

Bob & Jolene: We're going to miss you all so much!

Client: I refuse to listen to this. You can't leave!

Now, with our younger clientele, the conversations go a bit differently.

Renee: Do you know what retirement means?

Seven-year old client: Yes, it means quitting for old people.

Keep in mind that the word "retirement" can be really hard to pronounce for young people, so we've also talked about what we think Bob & Jolene will do once they've retired. Here are some of the fun ideas:

  • Lay around on the beach
  • Fly on a Magic Carpet
  • Ride bikes and take spinning classes
  • Read books
  • Tap dance
  • Play golf
  • Play with their grandkids
  • Make macaroni necklaces and sell them on Etsy (Laura said she'd be happy to buy a Bob Buckendorf macaroni necklace)
  • Come back and visit!

The end of March will be upon us before we know it. Please make time to stop by and wish Bob & Jolene well on their next adventure, and stay tuned for details on a fun way to say goodbye!