Hello There! Distance Service Gets a New Name

September 2, 2014
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP
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Several years ago, we found ourselves on the verge of a new partnership with a district. We were hung up, though, with the itty bitty detail of not having a clinician available to be on-site every day. Being the creative, solutions-focused folks we are, we worked with the district to create a unique plan that integrated newly emerging video chat technology with old-school, boots on the ground service delivery. It wasn't teletherapy, and it wasn't traditional speech service. We called it Distance Service, and today that service model makes up 66% of our contracts.

The name Distance Service has been good to us, but we had recently been feeling like it might be time for a little makeover. So, it is with great pleasure that we announce that Distance Service is now known as Hello There. As in, we're Hello, and wherever we are, we're There for you. Plus, because any makeover worth anything has a big reveal, we've created this neat graphic to do the explaining for us. Take a peek and you'll see that nothing has changed -- we're still offering the same outstanding quality service you've come to expect from us. We just have new lipstick on ;-)