On Taking Chances and Dreaming Big in Wyoming

May 29, 2015
Sarah Blanchard, CCC-SLP
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Five years ago I wouldn't have dared to work primarily through the computer, relying so heavily on technology, or to jump head first into a new job with a population such as birth-to-three with whom I had never worked before. And I definitely wouldn't have attempted to do both at the same time.

Four years ago I wouldn't have dared to travel anywhere fun by myself.

Three years ago I wouldn't have dared to venture on my own to a place like Wyoming in the winter.

Two years ago I would have really struggled with leaving my kids for a week at a time so I could have a work adventure.

A year ago I was beginning to embrace the mysterious and glorious unknown while saying goodbye to a wonderful team in Longview by explaining that I might work in Yakima. Or California. Or Wyoming. I didn't know. But I did know it was the road that beckoned to me.

Nine months ago I would not have felt safe staying in a log cabin by myself in a small and fairly isolated town far from home.

And yet, here I am.

Sleeping in a bed that has sharp pointy animal things hanging above my head. In a cozy little place where I can cook my own meals. And read on the front porch if I choose to. And brush my teeth in front of a crooked mirror. And take creepy selfies to show off the delightful dining area.

And here I am feeling the sadness and joy as I end my final visit to this beautiful place with amazing people who have both challenged me AND fed my soul.

Saying goodbye is hard. I am really going to miss this place and the many people I've met here who add so much to its beauty. So this evening I decided to drive past Fremont Lake to a place that left me feeling like I was on top of the world.

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It was the perfect way to end such a wonderful work adventure! And it left me feeling so incredibly satisfied and grateful to have been here with such fantastic people, families, and friends this school year.

Many thanks to Care Options for Kids, formerly The Hello Foundation and especially Sharon Soliday for showing me how to dream big and to Sharon Scheurer for sitting with me in the shadows and giving me a flashlight to guide my way out into the sunlight of this lovely life-giving career.