On The Road Again, THF-Style

October 1, 2014
Kelly C. Bawden, MS, CCC-SLP

It's October! We made it through the crazy town that is September! Huzzah! This is an especially momentous accomplishment for any SLP, what with the scheduling and organizing and just generally getting back in the swing of things. But for our clinicians who provide our Hello There service, late-August and September also mean their first on-site trips of the year. These intrepid souls take off into the great unknown with suitcases full of the High Quality Service we're known for. They're out there, they're Putting Kids First, and a few of them have generously shared the pictures in this slideshow to give us a little taste of life on the road.

See? We have the best clinicians and we serve the best districts. It's right there in the pictures! We're looking forward to sharing their adventures with you all year long.