Blog, News, & Resources


Outdoor Family Activities

May 27, 2021
Throughout 2020 — and so far, through 2021 — people have gotten used to social distancing and spending most of their time at home in order to stay as...

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

May 24, 2021
One of the worst news anyone can receive is a serious medical diagnosis — and it can feel even worse when the person receiving it is your child. One...

How to Become a Registered Nurse in Florida

May 20, 2021
Throughout history, nurses have played a crucial role in healthcare. From their duties during wartime to their frontline work during worldwide...

Interstate Licensing Compact: Where We've Been, Where We Are, Where We're Going

May 19, 2021
Professional licensure is a bit of a pain to keep track of (and pay for!), but it is a necessary and appreciated protection for our field and for...

How to Become an LPN in Florida

May 17, 2021
Careers in healthcare are a practical choice. There will always be a demand for them, and you get to earn a living by helping others and improving...

Paraplegia vs Quadriplegia

May 14, 2021
Mobility is one of those things that often gets taken for granted — until it is lost. Simple tasks, such as getting out of bed and walking to the...


May 12, 2021
Being a parent involves running around after your kids. They grow up too fast and want to touch, grab, and pull on everything. And, while it can be...

Heatstroke & Heat Exhaustion in Kids

May 10, 2021
If you’ve lived in Florida long enough, you’re aware that the heat and humidity can sometimes feel oppressive. This is not limited to the summer...

Polycystic Kidney Disease in Children

May 6, 2021
Finding out your child has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition is one of the most heartbreaking moments a parent can experience. The...

Stuttering: A Journey with Dr. Derek Daniels

May 5, 2021
Our final PD event this year was a game-changing evening with Dr. Derek Daniels from Wayne State University, who shared his expertise on Working with...