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Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Co-Treatment Gets Luke the Best Out of His Physical & Occupational Therapy
August 16, 2022
We have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing and determined kids on a daily basis. These children not only work hard to overcome...

Late Talkers: To Intervene or Not to Intervene
July 14, 2022
For parents who are concerned that their toddlers are “late talkers” and are struggling with speech or language, it’s natural to wrestle with the...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Skyler's Independence Soars with Telehealth Speech Therapy
July 5, 2022
It is our pleasure to work with determined and motivated kids that have the enthusiasm and support to push through challenges, try new skills, and...

Fine Motor Skills Therapy
June 12, 2022
It is easy to take for granted how effortlessly our bodies perform various movements, but in reality, they are like complex machines that require...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Samuel is Crushing his Telehealth Speech Therapy Goals
May 31, 2022
On a daily basis, we get the opportunity to work with the most amazing kids to help them rise above challenges, learn new skills, and gain the...

Sensory Processing Disorder in Children
May 26, 2022
As we develop from birth into adulthood, we are constantly challenged by the various inputs we receive from the world around us. It’s as if we are...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Jaden Develops His Fine and Visual Motor Skills with His Family
May 3, 2022
Each and every day our therapists get to work one-on-one with the most fantastic kids and through these experiences, we love to showcase the...

Dysphagia In Children
April 25, 2022
Dysphagia is a condition in which a person has difficulty with swallowing which in turn makes eating and drinking significantly problematic. When a...

Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) & Physical Therapy
March 17, 2022
When developing a treatment plan for neurological disorders, many facets of treatment are utilized to address the different challenges a patient may...

Dylan is Progressing Extremely Well With Robust AAC System
March 16, 2022
Two-year-old diagnosed with autism and a severe speech delay has expanded his vocabulary to 50+ words Augmentative and Alternative...